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Your Turn Who can comfort you if you are not lonely? Who can raise you up if you have not fallen? Who can give you medicine to cure your illness if you are not sick? However, if you look back on your life, no one can deny that there were times when you were lonely, fallen, and sick. Think about it, not a single person among those who came to see you was not lonely, not fallen, and not sick. So if you are .. 2024. 8. 22.
If You Love If you love yourself, you will give yourself to God, for you will know that your love comes from God. If you love him, you will give him to God, for you will know that God loves him. If you love them, you will give them to God, for you will know that God’s love is in them. You will know that. God’s love is always in the dark, narrow, and rough way. This is why you were saved from the way of your.. 2024. 8. 19.
the Way to Love If you love him and he loves you, there is nothing more beautiful in the world. So when he goes to God to meet you, don't leave him, but go to God together. Then you can become one with him in love in God. But when he leaves God to meet you and comes to you, leave him, and go to God alone. If he follows you to God, you will save him, but if not, he will go his way. Like this, love goes to God fr.. 2024. 8. 14.
Love within Jesus If you love, you will surely do according to the Word of God, for the Word of God is love. Apart from that love, nothing is ever truly love. They are merely lies, desires, and tricks wrapped in love. No matter how gentle the words, the warmest touch, or the most sincere heart, they are never true love. This is what it means that apart from God, you can do nothing in the world. So come into the W.. 2024. 8. 9.