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Proof of Your Life Until now, you have made every effort to add to your faith goodness, to goodness knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness mutual affection, and to mutual affection love. But now, do it for others. When you share your faith, hope, and love with others, you will know that it is truly yours. Only faith leads to faith, only hope lead.. 2024. 3. 1.
the Proof of the Salvation One salvation inevitably leads to another salvation. For you will show what you have seen, tell what you have heard, and teach what you have learned. This is proof that the salvation you received was accomplished through the living, active, and vital Words of Christ. But don't pile up with what you have seen, heard, and learned by your side. Just as they taught you by the Words and made you do t.. 2024. 2. 17.
the Proof If you are looking for God, ask not where God is, but where you are now. Because God is always where you are. Then, even if you have no tears and no sighs, you see with your eyes that the Light is not outside you, but inside you. You know very well that the Light is not yours. This is the true proof that God has been waiting for you within you all this time. 2023. 10. 6.
the Proof of Faith Watch out for those who seek to uncover your deeds by demanding proof of your faith. They want to take advantage of it and take away your freedom. Then they put their yoke on you and drag you where they want. But faith is God's gift and no one can take it away from you. So hold fast to your faith and don't be swayed. Remember, only those in God can confirm each other's faith. 2023. 6. 12.