christian4 the Duty of a Christian If you are a Christian, you should desire the duty of a deacon who serves the church. If you have received the duty of a deacon from the church, be loyal with all your heart, soul, and strength. Even if you have not received the duty, be a co-worker with the deacon. Because you have believed in God and become a saint with them. Also, you should desire the duty of an elder who governs the church... 2025. 1. 16. Your Name No matter how loudly you call your name on this earth, your name can't be heard in heaven. No matter how many places you travel to make your name on this earth, your name can't be found in heaven. No matter how large letters you write your name on this earth, your name can't be known in heaven. Because in heaven, only the names written in the Book of Life can be called, heard, and known. So writ.. 2024. 10. 19. Who You Are If you want to know who you are, look at your forehead. The name written there is you. Look at your wrist. The mark engraved there is you. Look at the sanctuary in your heart. The image drawn there is you. You are a name. Your name is not in your life, but your life is in your name. Because your eternal life is in that name. There is only one name for you anywhere in the world. You are a part of.. 2024. 7. 16. The Life of Christian If you really want to be with them, you must leave them. Leaving them means that you have to die, and being with them means that you have to come back to life. If you do not die, wherever that place is, you will only be bound there as a slave, and even your beautiful devotion will become nothing but vain submission. But if you die, and live again, and be with them, not only will you enjoy freedo.. 2023. 12. 21. 이전 1 다음