Your Prayer
When you are alone, think about when you are together, and when you are together, think about when you are alone. Also, when you are alive, think about when you are dead, and when you are dead, think about when you are alive. And when you are on earth, think about when you are in heaven, and when you are in heaven, think about when you are on earth. This is your prayer to God before the world, p..
2024. 3. 25.
Mixed World
Through various gods, idols, philosophies, and theories, people intertwine their own desires, eventually even drawing God into the mix, and calling it their teacher, father, salvation, and love. And some serve it profanely, some despise it, and some abandon it and set themselves out as saviors of the world. However, just as heaven and earth cannot be mixed, God is not blended with anything. Ther..
2023. 10. 28.