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the Sign of Salvation There is nothing in the world bigger, greater, and wiser than salvation. But salvation must come among the small, the weak, and the foolish. Because Jesus Christ, the Lord of salvation, is right there. Nevertheless, if you make yourself big, great, and wise in order to enhance your salvation, it will actually become a burden, a stumbling block, and a delusion for you. So the sure sign to know wh.. 2024. 8. 5.
Suffering & Salvation In each era, there is inevitable suffering. But if the suffering is severe and intense, then God's grace is also great and powerful. This means that there is no discrimination in the suffering that all believers face. Whether living in a peaceful time or in an era of disaster, all believers face the same suffering in the world. So regardless of the suffering given to you today, long for God's gr.. 2024. 7. 26.
There is a Salvation There are still sick, lonely, and poor people all over the world. Because salvation must be there. So if you want to be saved, hold the hand of the sick, stand by the lonely, and share what you have to the poor. Otherwise, there is no way for you to be saved in the world. But remember, when you are saved, you also become sick, lonely, and poor. This is because salvation must be delivered again o.. 2024. 6. 30.
He and You A little thing you give him is greater than all you have. Because only what you give to him becomes your true possession. A single tear shed for him is more beautiful than all your decorations. Because only tears can wash away the dirt of your sins. A moment of prayer for him is more precious than your entire life. Because the salvation of your soul lies in the prayer of faith. So rather give yo.. 2024. 6. 11.