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Your Boast If he is great, look at his smallness, for in it is the greatness of God. This means that you should look not at his greatness, but at God working in his smallness. Then you will know why God makes you small. If he is strong, look at his weakness, for in it is the strength of God. This means that you should look not at his strength, but at God working in his weakness. Then you will know why God .. 2024. 12. 1.
Walking with God Walking with God means that you are getting closer to God. Therefore, you will be repent more and more. Because the closer you are to God, the greater your sins will be. Also, walking with God means that you are getting closer to yourself. Therefore, you will be loyal more and more. Because the closer you are to God, the clearer the way ahead of you will be. And also, walking with God means that.. 2024. 11. 25.
your God & his God Don't witness to him about your God, but let God witness to him about God Himself. Because you don't have your God, but only the God that God has given you. Therefore, to give him the God that you have found is nothing but foolishness and deceit him. Only witness to him about the God that God has given you. Just as God has witnessed to you about God Himself, so also let him witness to God Himsel.. 2024. 11. 22.
the Hand of God Do not think that the hand of God is invisible, that it exists only in your words, thoughts, or dreams. The hand of God is in the birds of the air, in the lilies of the field, in the clouds and lights of the sky, in the dust and stones of the earth, in the mountains and trees, in the winds that flow among them, in the waves of the sea, in the fish, in the tender seaweed, in the various beasts, a.. 2024. 10. 13.