Cross7 Mercy Seat For God to be within you means that all His Words are within you. Therefore, the Creation of the Beginning is not in the far Past, and the Final Judgment is not in the far Future. Everything is happening now, in the Present moment within you. So, don't go somewhere or meet someone to ask for directions, but find the way in the Words. Remember, Truth isn't out there, it's only within you. Because.. 2023. 7. 1. God's Eyes Until you see the God behind the world, you don't see the world yet. Because the beginning and the end of the world are in God. So don't try to see the world, but first of all, try to see God. The only way to see God is for you to be within God. Then you can see the world with God's eyes. Remember, Only when you see with God's eyes, you can see God behind the world. 2023. 6. 1. New Name If your mind is taken away by the worldly things, your days go by in vain. So start doing your own thing from now on. For that, the first thing you must do is to put a new name, the Christian, ahead of all your worldly names. Because only that name proves your true life. Remember, you are not a person of the world, but a person of Heaven. 2023. 4. 21. 이전 1 2 다음