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writing and photo

Truth and Life

by IXSONG 2024. 4. 24.

The reason you seek God is to gain eternal life. However, no matter how much you want to know God, you can't know Him, no matter how much you want to meet Him, you can't meet Him, and no matter how much you want to see Him, you can't see Him. Because God has trapped Himself up in His Word, His Promise, and His Love. The reason God has confined Himself like this is only to save you trapped in sin, lies, and death. Therefore, you can't know God without God' Word, you can't meet God without God’s Promise, and you can't see God without God’s Love. This Word, Promise, and Love is Jesus Christ. Only in this truth is your eternal life that you so desperately seek.


an old Steel standing Board _ 20240424

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