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Salvation & Confession If you do righteous to achieve the righteous, it is already not righteous. If you do truth to achieve the truth, it is already not truth. If you do good to achieve the good, it is already not good. Because if you are not righteous, you can't know and do the righteous, and if you are not truth, you can't know and do the truth, and if you are not good, you can't know and do the good. Therefore, be.. 2024. 9. 19.
the Polaris of You There are countless people in the world, like stars. But no one among them can live your life in your place. It means there is only one thing that you can do and should do. So, find the thing among the all things given to you. First, put down everything that is on you and clean your heart. And, put down your thoughts, your will, and everything you are doing without exception. And, accept God, yo.. 2024. 9. 15.
into the Word All the commands, laws, and decrees written in the Bible are the Word of God. Also, the promises, contracts, and covenants are the Word of God. Also, miracles, wonders, and signs are the Word of God. Also, creation, providence, and judgment are the Word of God. Also, the fall, salvation, and rebirth are the Word of God. Also, death, resurrection, and eternal life are the Word of God. Therefore, .. 2024. 9. 15.
Witness of People and God Even if you are among many people in the world and do many things, there is one more thing you should do. It is to meet God, the Creator of the world. This is so that, just as you are with people and become a witness for them, you can be with God and become a witness for God. Even if you are successful in the world and have everything you want, your life is in vain without meeting God. Because t.. 2024. 9. 13.