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Sin & Righteousness The world is no longer unjust, false, or vain. Because Christ bore all the sins of the world, died on the Cross, and was Resurrected, He revealed His righteousness to the whole world. As a result, the world became the Kingdom of God, filled with righteousness, truth, and life. This is what it means that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. Those who believe in the gospel are united .. 2024. 11. 6.
Proof of Life Your faith sometimes turns to doubt, and your doubt sometimes turns to faith. Your hope sometimes turns to despair, and your despair sometimes turns to hope. Your love sometimes turns to fear, and your fear sometimes turns to love. This is your life in the world. But when your life is over, doubt can no longer become faith, despair can no longer become hope, and fear can no longer become love. B.. 2024. 11. 6.
Truth & Death You go to various places, meet many people, and discuss numerous things in search of the truth. However, the truth is only in your death. This is why you will be judged only after you die. While you are alive, you can see, hear, and act. This means that you can find the truth at any time. Therefore, no judgment is made against you. However, when you die, you can no longer see, hear, and act. The.. 2024. 11. 4.
Love & Witness of God What he wants from you is nothing else but just your love that you have, because in it the witness of God is revealed. If he is a man of God, he will come near to you when he sees that love, because he loves God and likes you. But if he is not a man of God, he will turn away from you when he sees that love, because he fears God and dislikes you. This is how you live the life of a witness of God’.. 2024. 11. 3.