writing and photo781 to Keep Your Place To keep your place means to keep you. To keep you means to cleanse you. To cleanse you means to wait for heaven. To wait for heaven is faith. Therefore, no one can achieve the will of heaven without faith. This is the real meaning of the words to keep your place. 2022. 11. 15. a Pathway to the Next The stairs are a connecting passage. You can rest for a while, but you can't stay there. Don't forget that this world is a pathway to the next world. 2022. 11. 13. the Heaven's Response There are no great or trivial things in the world. Whatever you do, there are just things that help or hurt others. If you have a lot, you can help a lot; and if you have a little, you can help a little. There are no big or small things about the help. So do your best in your job to help someone. And wait humbly for heaven's response. 2022. 11. 13. the Promise of Fallen Leaves Over the past season, I saw you at the end of the branch. You passed by without seeing me. Even if I sprouted, blossomed, and bear fruit in front of you, you weren't very interested in me. Now I'm going back to the ground after finishing my work. I want to see you before I go back to the dust of the soil I came from. Although I am just one withered fallen leaf, you will know your time when you s.. 2022. 11. 11. 이전 1 ··· 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 ··· 196 다음