writing and photo797 the Secrets of the Earth If the world came into exist by chance, there couldn't be so many hidden secrets all over the world. Also, if human existed by chance, each man couldn't have so many hidden secrets. Life is about finding hidden secrets. Each time you open the secrets of the Earth, one by one, you gradually become a Man of Heavens. 2023. 1. 15. Restoration Restoration means not returning to your original state in the past, but reaching your original goal in the future. That's what it's to restore your first love. Therefore, strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die. If even just one of you reaches the final goal, there you will see your first original state. 2023. 1. 14. the Starting Point of Change Even if everything changes, only you don't have to change. Because you're the center of it all. Even if nothing changes, only you have to change. Because change has to come from you. This is what you must do until you meet God. For this, God sent you into the world. 2023. 1. 14. the Passage of Love From the Beginning to the End, the world is connected through one passage. The passage is God's Love. If you are in it, you are in it before the Creation and after the Last Judgment. You can never get out of it and no one can get you out of it. Because God planted you as a living tree in it from the Beginning. Knowing this is Salvation. 2023. 1. 12. 이전 1 ··· 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 ··· 200 다음