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Walking with God Walking with God means that you are getting closer to God. Therefore, you will be repent more and more. Because the closer you are to God, the greater your sins will be. Also, walking with God means that you are getting closer to yourself. Therefore, you will be loyal more and more. Because the closer you are to God, the clearer the way ahead of you will be. And also, walking with God means that.. 2024. 11. 25.
Eternal Name Even if you don't remember all the names of Jesus’ disciples, none of the apostles will blame you. The apostles worked only in the name of Jesus, not in their own names. God hid their names so that their names wouldn't be tarnished. This is why only the name of the Messiah Jesus Christ, became the sign of salvation and judgment, blessing and curse, eternal life and destruction in the world. Neve.. 2024. 11. 24.
the Way, the Truth, and the Life God showed all the things at the end of the world. This is not to ask you to find the end of the world from where you are now, but to find the place where you are from the end of the world. Because no matter how many ways you have to go, there is only one Way that comes to you from the end of the world. God showed all the things at the beginning of the world. This is not to ask you to find the b.. 2024. 11. 24.
your God & his God Don't witness to him about your God, but let God witness to him about God Himself. Because you don't have your God, but only the God that God has given you. Therefore, to give him the God that you have found is nothing but foolishness and deceit him. Only witness to him about the God that God has given you. Just as God has witnessed to you about God Himself, so also let him witness to God Himsel.. 2024. 11. 22.