One Person
No other book in the world has such a true, detailed, perfect record of One Person's birth, life, and death. That's the Bible that's now unfolding in front of you. In the Word, the world comes from Him, through Him, and returns to Him. All things in heaven, earth, and under the earth are unified as One in Him. All the nations of the world are for His kingdom, the people for His people, and the d..
2024. 3. 20.
Morning Star in Your Mind
If you try to gain common sense, lessons, or secrets of worldly life from the Bible, you can't enter into it even if you open the Bible with your own hands. The Bible is not an old book written by humans, but the Word of the living God, and the Word is Messiah Jesus Christ. Therefore, if you don't fall into His arms, hold His hand, or follow His way, you can't see, hear, or know anything in the ..
2024. 2. 6.