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writing and photo

the Place of God

by IXSONG 2024. 6. 14.

No matter how outstanding, noble, wealthy, he is just a sinner to be forgiven, a patient to be cared for, a lonely man to be loved. So treat him like you were forgiven when you were a sinner, like you were cared for when you were sick, like you were loved when you were lonely. But don't hide that you are not the one who forgives but a sinner like him, that you are not a caregiver, but a patient like him, that you are not the one you love but a lonely person like him. This is the sign that you are forgiven, that you are cared for, that you are loved. If you don't have this sign, you have no relationship with God. Because God is always in the place of the sinner, the patient, the lonely person.


a Table in a Tent _ 20240613

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