Again today, you raised your hands high to heaven, saying, "Maranatha, Come, Lord Jesus", imagining yourself shining brilliantly in the glory. However, until the last person God seeks returns to the Lord, there will never be the return of the Lord you seek. Nevertheless, even today, that one person fell on his face at the front door of your house, but you didn't open your hands to him, saying, “..
2023. 12. 31.
the Last Person
When you believe in God in your heart, you see that the world is inside you and you are outside the world. In an instant, like a miracle, you were taken out of this world and in heaven. The prophets and apostles, along with a cloud of saints, are looking for that one person in the world. That very moment, that time, that day, that generation, the last person of that era, that is you. You are the..
2023. 9. 25.