repentance3 Repentance and Devotion If you have seen, heard, and known God, then two things will surely happen to you. They are repentance and devotion. If you have repentance, this is the proof that God has come into you. And if you have this proof, then you will enter into God. The proof is your devotion. In this way, repentance means that your life dies in God, and devotion means that God’s life lives in you. This is what it me.. 2025. 1. 20. the Fruit of Repentance Even if you go back to the past and correct your faults, you cannot change yourself. So tomorrow you will want to go back to the past again. Because unless you change, your faults will continue to happen. Don't try to correct your faults, change yourself. That is repentance that leads to salvation. Repentance is being changed anew according to the Word of God. Therefore, repentance will inevitab.. 2024. 7. 28. Proof of Your walk with God Many people go their own way in the world, each seeking salvation. But without God, it is the way of sin and death. So, wherever you are, turn from that way and head to God. That is the turning point in your life, repentance. This is the door to the cross and resurrection. After passing through this door, you come out of sin and death into righteousness and life. This is the way of salvation you.. 2024. 7. 2. 이전 1 다음