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the Fruit of Repentance Even if you go back to the past and correct your faults, you cannot change yourself. So tomorrow you will want to go back to the past again. Because unless you change, your faults will continue to happen. Don't try to correct your faults, change yourself. That is repentance that leads to salvation. Repentance is being changed anew according to the Word of God. Therefore, repentance will inevitab.. 2024. 7. 28.
the Fruits of the Heavens Don't say, "I'll do something bigger after this," or "I'll do something more meaningful next time," or "I'll do something better one day." The big things, the meaningful things, the good things, you're going to do, await you anxiously in front of you right now. Like a light feather that settles on your pure eyes, on your warm breath, and on your strong hands. So stop what you're doing, and take .. 2024. 3. 19.
the Fruit of Heaven There are no seasons in the fruit of heaven. The fruit isn't formed at the end of the year, but is always produced here and now. So don't think that if you try today, the fruit will come out tomorrow. That's not the fruit of heaven, but the decaying fruit of the earth that your flesh has produced. However, the fruit of heaven is the only evidence of your life today. Because the character of God,.. 2023. 11. 17.
Prayer and Fruit No matter how big and great it is, if you haven't prayed for it, there is no fruit in it. Because it has nothing to do with God. However, no matter how small and trivial it is, if you prayed for it, there must be the fruit of heaven. Because God makes it happen. Join the work of God in prayer. A small and trivial prayer is bigger and greater than ruling a country. 2023. 9. 15.