fallen leaves3 the Love of Fallen Leaves The fallen leaves floated far away on the stream waves. But there's no change in their love. Because love is a promise. A promise to meet again. Without that promise, love has no place anywhere. Taking one step at a time, according to the promise is life. So life is a long wait like enduring a cold winter. Until the spring comes and meets again like sprouts and realize all this is love between y.. 2022. 12. 3. the Promise of Fallen Leaves Over the past season, I saw you at the end of the branch. You passed by without seeing me. Even if I sprouted, blossomed, and bear fruit in front of you, you weren't very interested in me. Now I'm going back to the ground after finishing my work. I want to see you before I go back to the dust of the soil I came from. Although I am just one withered fallen leaf, you will know your time when you s.. 2022. 11. 11. a wish of fallen leaves Love the deep blue sky in autumn. You get to turn red as much as you want. And you will burn like fallen leaves and rise to the sky. Think about it. The glory of your grave is only that heavens cover you for The Day. 2022. 10. 26. 이전 1 다음