One day5 Before this Day Passes Someday you will see a generation coming and a generation going. This means you have work to do in that generation. Also which day you will see a season coming and a season going. This means you have work to do in that season. Also one day you will see a day coming and a day going. This means you have work to do in that day. But wherever you are and whatever you do, if you do not know what you h.. 2024. 10. 5. Your Day Don't be sad that another day passes without anything happening. For each day of yours contains all the things that will happen in your life. They pass as if nothing happened and then unfold before you again as if it were the first time, so that you may fully welcome that one day that is yours, the day of your salvation. Therefore, if the salvation comes to you, don't doubt it at all, don't fear.. 2024. 8. 13. One Day of Many Days Even if you live hundreds of years with the benefit of expensive medical care and advanced science, you are no different from a person who lives just one day. Because all your days are contained in your last one day. This means that what you have to do, to meet the Savior, is within the one day. One day is long enough for you to meet your Savior. Nevertheless, if you don't meet the Savior for th.. 2024. 2. 22. the Days You Have Lost Don't count the days you have lost, but count the one day you have left. All days are contained in that one day. Don't count the things you have lost, but count the one thing you have left. All things are contained in that one thing. Today is the only day you can count them. So, put aside what you have seen and heard in the world, and listen to the voice of heaven, even if just for a moment. Don.. 2023. 9. 26. 이전 1 2 다음