Faith22 Tears of Faith If you were moved by a painting and shed tears, it was probably because you saw God in it. However, if you can't shed tears at the scenery of the world, what you saw in that painting was not God, but only your own impressions. If you were moved by music and shed tears, it was probably because you heard God in it. However, if you can't shed tears at the sounds of the world, what you heard in that.. 2025. 1. 9. Faith and Walking with God Your faith in God means that you hope in God, to hope in God means that you love God, and to love God means that you walk with God. Therefore, in your faith, there is walking with God. This is why God calls you out of the world and saves you. To walk with God means that you receive God’s love, to receive God’s love means that you receive God’s hope, and to receive God’s hope means that you recei.. 2024. 10. 31. Evidence of true Faith If your faith is true in this earth, it is true in heaven, and if it is false in this earth, it is false in heaven. This is why your life is between heaven and earth. So if your faith is true, you must find the true evidence in this earth. Faith is when God and the world meet within you, break apart, scatter, and become one again. This is what you die for the world and you live for God. So if yo.. 2024. 10. 11. Faith and Salvation If you don't seek God, the world will leave you alone, whether you rise or fall. However, if you seek God, the world will deceive you in every way, telling you that there is no God. Nevertheless, if you abandon the world and seek God, the world will block your way with all kinds of temptations and threats. This is the devil’s trick working among the unbelievers of the world. But if you believe i.. 2024. 9. 23. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 6 다음