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writing and photo

the Place of Worship

by IXSONG 2024. 6. 10.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than saints gathering in one place to worship God. But don't be afraid, even if you are alone in the desert, in the middle of the sea, or wandering deep in the mountains. Because you are already participating in one worship service with all the worshipers. That is why the worship of heaven is spread out before you forever. The place where you are with God is a place of prayer, a place of worship, and a place of revelation. The most beautiful thing you will do in the country you long for is in this worship. Remember, all the saints throughout history since the creation of the world and all the saints scattered throughout the world are always gathered in one place. That is the place of worship where you should be now before God.


the Decoration of a Wall _ 20240609

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