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writing and photo

in-Breath and out-Breath

by IXSONG 2024. 5. 16.

No matter where you are or what you do, if you are alive now, today is an extremely blessed day for you. Because God the Creator has been with you and given you another day of life. The breath that God has built your body and breathed into your nose is your life. So even if everything about you disappears, the breath of God in you does not disappear forever. The life given to you, that is, the breath of God, is you. So follow your in-breath now. There is your heart at the end of it, and God is there. Also follow your out-breath now. There is heaven at the end of it, and God is there. This is the secret of your life, and why God gave you the breath of your life.


an Installation Artwork _ 20240516

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