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writing and photo

Purifying Fire

by IXSONG 2024. 6. 23.

The foundation of life is suffering. This suffering is like a purifying fire, exposing every thought in the minds of individuals without leaving a single one hidden. This flame originated from the Cross on Calvary Hill and is spreading throughout the world. Within the intense heat of the flames, the believers, the righteous, and the godly people emerge as pure gold. However, the unbelievers, the unrighteous, and the ungodly people become the fuel that intensifies the fire, vanishing like smoke. Thus, Judgment and Salvation are not distant futures, but rather a vivid reality unfolding before your eyes. If you were alive, you would already witness the entire earth being engulfed in this flame. Remember, without suffering, no one is a person of God.


the Lights of the Show Window _ 20240622

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