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writing and photo

One Person

by IXSONG 2024. 3. 20.

No other book in the world has such a true, detailed, perfect record of One Person's birth, life, and death. That's the Bible that's now unfolding in front of you. In the Word, the world comes from Him, through Him, and returns to Him. All things in heaven, earth, and under the earth are unified as One in Him. All the nations of the world are for His kingdom, the people for His people, and the dialects for His dialect. He, who is God, became One man so that you could become like God. That's why God called you to be His son, His brother, and His friend. You absolutely can't refuse this calling of God.


Bookshelves on Display _ 20240320

'writing and photo' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Salvation  (2) 2024.03.18
