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writing and photo

Another Light within the Light

by IXSONG 2024. 5. 11.

If you are full inside yourself, you cannot see the light within you. However, when you become extremely small and turn into a single point within yourself, and when that single point finally breaks and disappears, you will realize that all that is inside you is light. When you realize that you are light, all things in the world will appear as light. This is because in the beginning, God created the world with light. Like this, seeing the world with light is love. This is why there is never darkness in love. Remember, another light within the light, that is the soul. How great it would be if you could see with your own eyes this beautiful world where the streets, villages, mountains, and fields are filled with these enchanting lights and another brilliant lights.


Lights hanging from the Ceiling _ 20240510

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