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writing and photo

the Door to the Word

by IXSONG 2024. 6. 4.

God revealed everything about the creation of heaven and earth in the Beginning and the final judgment on the Last day through His Word. Therefore, if you don't enter into the Word, you can't see it even if you see it, can't hear it even if you hear it, and can't act even if you know it. The door to enter into the Word is the Cross, and the door to come out with the Word is Resurrection. Likewise, the Cross and the Resurrection are the only ways to come and go into the presence of God. If someone tries to come before God in another way, he is a fool who deceives himself, and is an evil person who turns God into a false idol. So be proud of the suffering of the Cross, and don't hide the joy of the Resurrection. This is why the Bible, the Word of God, should always be with you.


Flower-patterned Embroidery _ 20240604

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