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writing and photo

Your Everything

by IXSONG 2023. 10. 4.

God is always with you. This means that God embraces your body and touches each and every cell of it, and knows all the thoughts and intentions of your heart, and also shares the deep breath of your soul with you. You can't escape God, and God can't leave you. Because you are the Image and Likeness of God. Look to Jesus Christ. He is your Everything.


the Cross and the Small Chapel _ 20231003

'writing and photo' 카테고리의 다른 글

the Proof  (2) 2023.10.06
Everything becomes One  (2) 2023.10.05
the Place of Flower  (2) 2023.10.03
Just Yourself  (2) 2023.10.02
Your Own World  (2) 2023.10.01
