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writing and photo

You in the Bible

by IXSONG 2023. 11. 22.

I know well what you want to hear, what you want to see, and what you want to get. Because they are all things I also desperately want from the start. But if you want to know when, where and how they come from, you should first explore the prophecies and revelations of the Bible. This is because the beginning and end of your life are recorded in detail like palmistry in the Words of God. So you can have nothing apart from the Bible.


Korean Traditional Partitions _ 20231121

'writing and photo' 카테고리의 다른 글

When You First Opened Your Eyes  (3) 2023.11.24
the Powder in the Barrel & the Oil in the Bottle  (2) 2023.11.24
Autumn Light  (2) 2023.11.20
One Step  (2) 2023.11.20
Death & Life  (4) 2023.11.19
