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writing and photo


by IXSONG 2023. 8. 8.

If you can't separate heaven from earth, you can't find the way of righteousness on earth. If you can't separate yourself from people, you can't find the way of truth in people. If you can't separate your soul from your body, you can't find the way of life in your body. When you have found all these ways, only then can you begin your life. Remember, you are the one sent to carry out God's mission, not abandoned without meaning in the world.


a Installation Artwork _ 20230807 (Seoul, Korea)

'writing and photo' 카테고리의 다른 글

Your Beautiful Pearl  (2) 2023.08.10
Your Name  (2) 2023.08.09
the Era of the Soul  (2) 2023.08.07
Open Eyes  (2) 2023.08.06
the Heaven inside a Umbrella  (2) 2023.08.04
