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writing and photo


by IXSONG 2023. 1. 14.

Restoration means not returning to your original state in the past, but reaching your original goal in the future. That's what it's to restore your first love. Therefore, strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die. If even just one of you reaches the final goal, there you will see your first original state.


the Scent of the Roots _ 20230114 (Seoul, Korea)

'writing and photo' 카테고리의 다른 글

the Light of Prayer  (0) 2023.01.16
the Secrets of the Earth  (0) 2023.01.15
the Starting Point of Change  (4) 2023.01.14
the Passage of Love  (0) 2023.01.12
Meeting People  (0) 2023.01.12
