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writing and photo

Miracle, Truth, and Judgment

by IXSONG 2024. 6. 27.

Don't imitate miracles. This is an evil thing to disgrace God's miracle and raise yourself. Don't imitate the truth. This is foolish to make you known by dirtying God's truth. Even if you imitate miracles and uncover the truth to raise yourself and spread your name to the world, you will never imitate God's judgment. Because the evidence before you will bind yourself, and the witnesses who surround you will cover your mouth, and eventually the prison officers will drag you to the prison. The reason God has shown you the miracles and the truth is not to imitate them, but to return to God through them. Remember, walking with God is a miracle, and knowing God is the truth.


Art Installation in the Aisles _ 20240626

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